Technologien für komplexe Probleme
Jeder von uns profitiert von der Arbeit von Jürgen Artmann: Sein Unternehmen ist spezialisiert auf komplexe IT-Probleme. Unter anderem haben Artmann und sein Team die Software zur Wetterberechnung des Deutschen Wetterdienstes gebaut. Da fragt man sich, ob sein Team nicht auch der schleppenden Digitalisierung im Land helfen kann? Aber diese Kritik teilt Artmann nicht grundsätzlich: "Es gibt keine Behörde, die nicht schon Schritte Richtung Digitalisierung übernimmt", meint er. Es sei in einem Jahr schon sehr viel Positives passiert.
Artmanns Unternehmen Accso hat er unter der Überschrift New Work aufgebaut: Homeoffice war schon vor Corona möglich. Elternzeit ist auch selbstverständlich und wer für einen Auftrag nicht den Ort wechseln möchte, muss das auch nicht. Er wollte ein wirtschaftliches Unternehmen gründen, das trotzdem zufriedene Mitarbeiter*innen hat. Wie er das macht, erzählt er in dieser Episode der Coronazeit.
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00:00:00: Music.
00:00:09: Is undertaken have foreign bills on the Roof Garden the seidman actual say goodbye the him stuff disco soon
00:00:16: it's moving him stuffed em in forgotten love and fear a burden on vitamins and tight seminar,
00:00:22: digitalis yet but he's on under the team's project automatically open up manescu chefs full of an axle and I fill my deepest lenita idealism inundated have seen her comments or an annoying episode a corner tight.
00:00:36: He's been Steffi antagonist a spooky very young.
00:00:39: Hello Stephanie Young assistant a very tight v a leap year she had to end I want her name.
00:00:49: Ya'll said I am young and some homework whose house is sent relative Chanel nothing is in lockdown with.
00:00:57: Soon after 90% oblique shiftings home office Consulting and we can offer it under sphere.
00:01:03: I'm knowing the scene may have something by in time that we welcomed a some do not fear.
00:01:09: So on to humans one second or meter by tuberculosis why not get that sense for under title and writing in here so that I takeshita.
00:01:17: Madonna fun Style 2 million fewer teen uphill don't outfit in September peace out.
00:01:22: Moon's incompetence home office good song was not released announced abortion it's a software engineer and for tile is.
00:01:30: So as to create an exam School vital about and Direction Muslim wanted owner so that none could not be as idea by now.
00:01:40: Said I am yours and we're first also is him home office sometimes a digital is you shouldn't wash on the Fox News Channel my medium is team so that matsuura made by them in couldn't react in supervision
00:01:54: going down
00:01:55: komplexe least end up meetings for minimum scanty morgues to sleep to fall invite board with our fundamental plaintiff Retreat good Silesia remotes on ticket item up for adoption of his father do.
00:02:09: This is some snail gloom and our commitments on couldn't do something then you can be shittim sister schools from Sharingan in first try and fail.
00:02:18: Now they can look up the history ungoverned I love this design field or a fastball yeah but it's yeah it's yeah it's entitled to pursue God not Nick Milan Turin swords clanging.
00:02:30: Well if it is as this Nicole's almost a long journey it's fear Mama tree stand or named Tom stop mention curl,
00:02:37: seshu the modern inaudible was once the largest again and become I'm faculty colleagues to say in so I shown true now Mitten mention.
00:02:47: It has come to our attention on our systems in a female prison first video time as a human or status captured on film cooling design and function.
00:03:00: The actual pain upon by it's a coconut absolutely playing scary tackling and coil on the 2016.
00:03:06: I'm the one who defeats and toggle the Caucasus Army and bus meeting room and I see our t-shirts Fusion food correct
00:03:14: it seems to him now in my opinion by saying that but that's my business teams OCTA yeah just get wider piece into.
00:03:23: Kathy kitten telephone not so stop Diner in team colleague and link between 50 million and coffee and I'm nice and talk,
00:03:33: Vietnamese and Viet indicator off and roof none colleague on Martin quasi son via to in coffee.
00:03:40: Talk 15 min lung and got my own contacts applied my was mentally his sylvain was nice meeting pointer to node,
00:03:48: when needed online you're my students knew about this project he was working and he once fought fine this is also seen to
00:03:56: isn't and sent here Mauritania it isn't it's right angle fun we are 2013 metabolism is Axel now and videos are actualized
00:04:11: Beat It
00:04:13: fish lining the idealism and Anna's having for our website please let us know.
00:04:23: Come on some song as Nava is that accelerated Solutions this is the long an armor could suck so minimum suction out not.
00:04:32: Yeah I'm some vets accustomed in English learning to software technical assistance someone was best practices.
00:04:38: Listen for hints more tailored to Center for Effective component in peace in zoo I know Vic looks on keyboard and Damon softwarelösung.
00:04:46: In difficult on the style is the out-of-the-box star who's taking she's on both me technician and was know how is this in.
00:04:54: Patterns and Moonstone and best practices document here toxin is to start breaking them feminine armed industry that's a little severe
00:05:02: it was Shanina sentence and about the achievements assistance dictionary software systems performances event emotions office is system so then we're the Titans I need some business Nikita landmass Schneider
00:05:15: that's the commit murder on when I know software about when most demonic to understand a call from converts the African Market
00:05:23: skip software systems and so complex and were I know that's why I'm able to take Twice The Conch particular of Garber absolute on the swing movement even Macon soup
00:05:33: Dicky time as Schneider and dust mite in the above I do out of the box accident I have her best,
00:05:40: practices as well as and ization as have full rank function beyond crazy it appeared harm that fragging that wickets in Act 2 N sides,
00:05:49: Kona vitamin behind an institution ties in the onion at upon the medium on of nicked do it'll be fun.
00:06:01: Pesi whole complex enzyme so Nick wanted like shakes out best practices country and - Delhi was.
00:06:11: Out-of-the-box unbeaten um flight on dramas are ambition to have indeed Selena.
00:06:20: Tights tights as you kind of type sites within people but not to Alicia put sensitivity understood very well to solve dozens of a sphere freshman from license on the board here those are ski tide of the organizational demon.
00:06:32: Instead of intricate as a satin volume stuff A Center Stone is amazing animal advocate for an IT platform or management be sending up the center of the oven does my niche of tikkun visa and st. as a typical Garden.
00:06:45: Endorsements and federal organizations could blank eyes of the gills District upon the Slender and then boom.
00:06:51: So that's one that I am a celibate electoral results in Saint Louis woman in tin Lantern and it's a sheet and bigger and deffer Sheet - Tyrion.
00:07:00: Decent a little chubby cheeks as keep talking and we were doing kind land to sneak in return ticket Elysium auction 3 2 1 turn into an alcoholic.
00:07:10: I'll just Temple Deadpool no keys,
00:07:12: detoxification officially behold sleep field doesn't bubble 116 is the English in einem yah from Sheffield positive association between the position of Townley,
00:07:25: vmon hi tuba T limited team District remote interest in 2008.
00:07:40: I want my bus positive spirit,
00:07:44: about hazardous cook food as we have shown does right harm last one and I am yeah like in Canada that has been on the empty isn't is Gloria Campbell with Ava haven't we had this maximum all Schoolboy trust in,
00:07:57: yes.
00:08:01: Hmm yeah she's really foggy she would soggy outline so basically technician of me I moved the exact model my country in mansion but I see technician or Boutique design
00:08:14: you save up in the form article and light and give our Twitter Flickr Sultan he can eat a little high-spirited Shepherd says
00:08:24: 14 and arrows but what's behind but he also finished kinda skipped up as easily organized at all should swing abou the island and the bigger the orchestra will become distinct unwitting we didn't fuck up with it my man can feel Medina Pandey Mission Lago would I meet him in food soon shoots cassettes between us - he
00:08:43: the flight of michalis and keeps coming section frog barroom become dying.
00:08:48: Consortium PhD endorsed by course International Tournament in after gonna collapse the bone
00:08:54: d-don't 160 million he is happy until the only thing between of modern Turkish media woman.
00:09:04: Payments on this team yeah instead to and I'm stuck up a bit but we have conducted in secret.
00:09:12: I'm constantly under of the Vermont where feel like I was home alone and the potent boy
00:09:20: dolphins in here so and that is aiso seen this is knit Ponte me Sherlock isn't fixing trucks because it's one Muslim Brotherhood some encounters fuck up with you he loves you,
00:09:30: I'll become unseen by and I can come and sit with my cameraman shooting and Blanca is emit infrastructure on Beal on with the shoes of the our started.
00:09:40: I wish I knew he loved my Mustang little big Market there's some business in technician Mukesh card in the space that household.
00:09:46: Bunnies Alex it's a gunship watch list I got distance was when we last met clicks there's no Megatron's Gahan Borden decreasing off the market segment on the condition he didn't push lock clicked on.
00:10:01: That's life Dominic documents,
00:10:07: anyway I got to say because you know mishmash my eaten bread sleep thing you wouldn't approve translational kids
00:10:16: yes and blinking position paper leak so the hectic shrieking would have I packed you a finish coat but we can't.
00:10:25: Let's meet you like the fucking hide yeah obviously emotional TK marketers is style-wise
00:10:31: D2 college guide you can tell you seems like the unaccountable and seemed so DD can't mr. Weber does in Ina
00:10:40: set of honor and privilege to talk to you and I'll tell you estimate Software System and Demon.
00:10:48: No it's legal system and dehydration by Alvin focus on writing an expression system and encounters might they might be the end of your nose these shortening up account,
00:11:00: come and see you later with him now and I can design it with our under project isn't solely to go - good
00:11:06: his good likely transfer from Skyline and the governance board
00:11:11: no and why'd you look at me so you know who did studying took some cook and his love doesn't see the of Cuba you Global dispensation a knock or not side will click here nonprofit and fertility him here.
00:11:22: Look of dim Innovations case law and public sectors on the initial selection.
00:11:29: Music.
00:11:40: This is too much wind anguish bottom we have any idea the amount of this problem just I was a server up certain that should as a human being can.
00:11:49: - does rocket science initial appearance of off the bone so much Bill,
00:11:54: and I know kuna as a prophetic - had an authentication house constitution of synonyms 554 -
00:12:03: This is the fog of your Masters done industry of targets.
00:12:08: Ishita John's it's a targets centralized you sunsets so there's which mile deep everyone.
00:12:15: God I know I can do it by may have it tightens and I'm just a citizen Tyler Teamster you know from looking for Vital Mohandas You by name.
00:12:24: Dan Gibson juliaca Mukesh card and stick your nights will be tried in the silver of the bone over time I'm enzyme for how and house could be lit in pairs so now I'll be um she'll be eating tickle tour.
00:12:34: Enjoy these dust liova al-huda it administrator administrator.
00:12:43: Even the fastest among lenders from the spot for Kahuna's always the end corners of it and our society.
00:12:50: I want an IT administrator with Nick in individual um so the initial survival time odor and I know they killed nine sugar Biden.
00:12:58: So now they had ample defined each of feel better if he ever shows and also includes Chozen and done Hank the soft and.
00:13:08: Pla of in DC investment pieces of skin tone the sky Hit and Run.
00:13:14: The smuggled of left open house building in the improvised Amontillado.
00:13:19: Good is a lot on on touch but it's a brings new building codes in Central site Ministry and then start adding executors,
00:13:27: come on Matt 11 plea and polish because to me it's he does yeah losing an unbeaten for problem it is so not gonna keep it seems as though I'm not gonna do some gift society as idea their special is here to here
00:13:40: her suffering is that mass night at of Luzon and cancel them and connect.
00:13:45: Because we mine or that's why but it will let Sookie in mind if you're hungry it's I interview at the software.
00:13:51: In sasame bite me to do is shift organ transplant and soon get some of this team just ask my face shield up I am Mukesh Bend Oregon and Norman we are in Conan.
00:14:02: Starting with done Pasion when he into dying its Fitness and fuck shackle idiocy player here no son
00:14:11: mythology and folklore sling and so a Peruvian and corn or Ghana goes to names are not on saltation these begin told me I'm not really fits here in the system isn't Mary asked of shown this must document theater and then mousse
00:14:23: any person and I'm going with gogglebox haven't this was often commented van and so I thought I'm not going with the boy and I hope of items while witness from question is Holland.
00:14:36: This work two jobs and singer for these organic process in Ohio for no envisions 116 recently mentioned is very disorganized.
00:14:46: Whilst an ocean Elkins Garner insecurity so long and and Kaufman a socket.
00:14:51: Did you see those probable otonashi Hogan and I was.
00:14:56: His animal piece on those Transportation with cool cousin and he said his Academy spin could set aside Activia to end I meet I hope eventually even get it to the end of this isn't in assigned looks flawless beispiel,
00:15:08: this month will mostly for sting comes once his team gaps for her knee between us wiser
00:15:13: let's get blind Inc conclude online or countries of soon this issue zones is team intro see at the swing moose months Mass Schneider done is the setup for the Katie Collett a TV Asahi.
00:15:26: So
00:15:28: Absolutely so intensive just matter because kind feel I'm and offensive move mention Liam Gates and who since he flipped his own but still going to Tartan of not that often isn't
00:15:37: Testament into some abidin was Ben kunze staff report Mighty Katara Mastery review this isn't,
00:15:44: this isn't that class especially let's talk about it and then test we longer yeah that's more than an Sona loser.
00:15:52: You understand sir he committed Coon Valley while Dusty specialist in field on tremendous in the ocean fuckabish highwomen.
00:16:02: The traditional Clara 1415 Bocephus world what's the movement especially in the suspect package
00:16:08: Devon Guzman's Edie Falco to organize bins I know about it will meet streets at least admit it seen on specialty man,
00:16:18: it's were garbage bin dish least of metal a poem it's a transplant and Student Center understand so document here don't let Central Asia
00:16:27: Dunham's it's just one of dozens it's per second about this problem solution time to program here Alice certainly can't say anything cold you can see software programme only bones
00:16:37: in between armor and assuring that same data and also and software project for our first segment guns in limbs too close,
00:16:44: if your Yahoo and doesn't fear,
00:16:48: I'm not English Lawson and some traditional comes he questions the job - demon
00:16:56: that's one Theory are long and 71-64 wounds Wolfson and
00:17:02: the current developments invention of the toilet as a few months on yeah you know by Melissa company Cuts you know about us come on.
00:17:12: Double comments and stuff as mancierge talk in Telugu so how does not handle Splash balance was that.
00:17:20: Yeah so spicy we are wide and Sassy elongation field induction wetterdienst and Offenbach on the commercial first and that's better now he needs to feel at home in the stutter
00:17:30: of the provide better teens demands for better now.
00:17:35: Data for here's our government that soon number Conshohocken Swedish who closed some specialty in kailash the Anand,
00:17:41: does this will be slow on cancer killer for navigational people you should send the command we clothes and saying wait over here so I can come up with some better teams don't.
00:17:51: Donation is our angle child in human lung Kaiser so don't know him better warn you Peter.
00:17:57: It doesn't simply local this phenomenon the vents in Strasbourg nights Claudia pacifist better in Hamburg is so this is Sarah Connor
00:18:06: yes a vehicle no answer someone's events and fun for each student can in darmstadt is sunshine and
00:18:13: wettervorhersage austerity own often movement Percy and then
00:18:19: he might be the better teams Nick want
00:18:24: for anyone better is especially hard but I'm kinda jealous income and then I'll sue full bond this is how Ashley while sunstein eventually million,
00:18:35: for your fellow a tune T ha ve headphones median Punda canvas a poem so static volume mouskinov listing moment positions are recognized and Diamond spout which documents the antecedent pump so our vision is all
00:18:49: kind of arrangement to suffer and of deserve a towards his team the Mitten trickled owned,
00:18:55: I figured as fast so Bittersweet is so I got a job in Dubai speed while in spite of its Falcon off by Beta long conventionally mango sauce and some in this kitchen more suction mmm.
00:19:08: That's why I don't have a habit as we have.
00:19:11: D software the starch in wetterdienst system of Tamia to the view multimedia software Jesus project cloistered zoophilia it as well and if an unfunded contact Acuity systems meet
00:19:22: post about our daughter anything but tip decoding the Arctic to Tiffany admit and continue on the visualization gaveta Tottenham it started
00:19:32: guns his first endorsement beta Totten fish eaten start and of my visualization will on infrastructure layer even and elect such this is Nick official Darden and vitamins
00:19:45: under the decades progression done gets into each of the four up I can disarm us endure another man can see there are four here's our first anniversary kids to Jesus.
00:19:54: Klein and footer Bella demon Invicta house hanky Hood symptoms of the net segment on comes on the my son's at 6,000 picked a colonel sighs good
00:20:04: good night concert here he better for her second portion of the TMI signal is the error
00:20:09: so Nets so I think notebook Jesus Nets has missed man better than Jesus D Sigma Startin come down in a number cruncher and Mitten mathematician mutations are gluten
00:20:21: the event Easton better phenomenon these include input for anyone on the snow-tivator so fortunately Tafoya soccer
00:20:29: this would get splashed metal worker as a natural log of it matters its life WR now hes physics I've got muscles to actually bicycle I know
00:20:38: it was like Teeth perspective it can know so and so and so that come on Sebastian home so anxieties his Nets is immediate and decisive vanish
00:20:47: and better for her sake Martin will Tec filter go in the to confiscate say you recent Society6 Target with the original system is a number cruncher.
00:20:58: Done always being leaked out and above anything like diet and hum is not to achieve a Chinese cat assistance team process motel but I think giving.
00:21:05: Spanish base of a metaphor here Saga will she feed the snakes feel feel anger harm and was filled with art and evangelism.
00:21:12: Done it's about the relational from Fast velocity will be better for her sake it's only six toggling zone of dry yeah so as I said the compromise is it dive into Finn
00:21:21: DDOT and Megan demon David Moses Cone division guys don't emulsify Food Mart on the Amish cart is Snips established in the zone optimism of tamils problem
00:21:30: I'm done come on Hop team here to better for a sarcoma and these are guns in Tartan come on Eva and her commissioned art and systemic about would have Gap is kiner
00:21:40: taking shoulders with some Visa Mastercard and so far our apartment string of impressive of complete chpt Fisher Vector data difficult understand you.
00:21:50: This H Band as I comes out in Timber I could idea English or begin a Madonna.
00:21:56: Quasi at least.
00:22:02: This is the citizens outside know the recent Yahoo named secretary Clinton 996 percent memo actual hintergrund 24 tentacle example yet when the.
00:22:14: Mukesh kite but when's the operates in order to excellent own it in up I'd keyboards of Excellence that extreme oh yeah I remember once I live.
00:22:23: Spoof is often worn out of noise for Yuma.
00:22:27: Mine was not truly novel times he might be diameter and functioning from in from martic Team Super shifting organization so that my muscles loose Stones pasta and arms he knows that gets a diamond.
00:22:42: Morgan spend on demolition project to be taking Scott Lynch there you have Anson every scenario found quarter.
00:22:51: Mission accomplished as a somebody's who you are it's in the informatic for sure we're in the right data informatics over this new chain gang and the um
00:22:58: for 126 is fancy could send found quarter of your lighter no longer fits fancy percent found 40 mph their informatics.
00:23:08: This is Lucia of does us all still shooting our sport still.
00:23:13: This is good enough team they just shoot him and he's 2015 9 some potent Informatica and and then who should start and out.
00:23:21: It's me don't you need to adhesion God that's occasionally stops mid-level orphans our website or.
00:23:28: Life is for media comes after name of of many diverse I understand was in for
00:23:41: what is this one stop with warm heart I don'ts for life here on my he cites gift for Indian I was good-sized unitards
00:23:48: frauenfreundlich 1/4 million sold his soul journeyman so are you sweating Dede Martin to submit a platform Kulu
00:23:57: up here welcome get all could wondering if you come azim shouldn't come and we'll start a best of a I don't listen to me buy it for 100 the
00:24:05: side shift for indiaunheard such McDonald's or something or said something smart to ask about investor-state then she doesn't say I feel a positive comment our friend and colleague in and on this little fashionista Van Der Sia Sia flexible about site model
00:24:18: and location with the wireless phone service orders team and detailed side of the Elton side kind but his team amazed bone skin elevator in Alton so it
00:24:30: we understood from the say I have to say remark towards this mind Aston.
00:24:37: So on the second point of order mr. Madsen of I'm concerned the shift kicked out knowing moon at opposed to come after you finish I know that's why I'm gonna do some certifications on Andrew Casino in monitor.
00:24:49: Tomato sauce movement of holes guitars and this thing in concea me forever to respond Zohan it's kind of far.
00:24:58: Music.
00:25:10: Current position angle selling in a Porsche has to happen.
00:25:14: Yeah that's 50 tribe Lucas table is some give you some side from devilish after taking a shower for her to die for what he Burger.
00:25:23: She could have been the humans falsely mainstream he would say beside midnight symbolic need my machine commission for community.
00:25:31: Shut it up secret spy in this one section engine options for the Gloom Beatrix Informatica one up the driveway I would give a gap down the list.
00:25:39: Yeah I suggest anybody Ava to shine funcion make them concern in a victim in difficult he's Mia.
00:25:47: It's a hoot Frank while man nicknamed the silver and shiny.
00:25:53: Man continues medium so inside and does he actually spotted dolphin encounter by Maneater.
00:25:59: The decision my child already default Landing got tile wise India he just Concepts,
00:26:06: benefits youngster just one in particular who is after the event management with silver normal Kleiner 1000 collating Armstrong done so I wondered you know.
00:26:20: UND I love is eternal flame Kylie here he comes along with him back shooting them your software engineering and also meet occasionally meeting citizen we meet them.
00:26:29: Team like being sliced and often cool 501 inside of the victim to see it's not direct so I'm Hunker known addresses superheating driver Who Care for Animals.
00:26:41: I won't be having to say it also be sent in EDI distinction answers to Sauron.
00:26:46: Last ones not Fiamma couldn't give energy looks upset about the virtue of the hair follicle he suffered what's the main plot this will mention gonna abide under the arm bones.
00:26:58: You should just as much money - book other he couldn't defeat net on me divided safely tonight is management and - book once met a pirate City in her kit off Munch miles of Coast until each of these women and for companies summer keep doing can spawn on his bicycle.
00:27:14: Felicia and meet up later in and understand what your time starts going to mention so we multiply and multiply it and current vector.
00:27:24: We acted in Frankfurt the second term for the qualification past.
00:27:29: Normal voice Rising done it up right away so I can actually fit centimeter part of the skies in Martha's inspector project.
00:27:36: So they might never done in and it's why would that man Johnny device doesn't meet up items machine in couldn't I think on by like harder.
00:27:43: You know father from houseboat is fully for Cox disorder Viola is already a problem I had with.
00:27:51: Whatever I got Kahuna is obtained after those mothers who is only Rising country like India to the hospital
00:27:58: then come on that's why not man hear my voice was shaking when I still hate me and vice Tony Randall
00:28:04: Eaton's upwards FEMA the to lift the arms that's in Frankfort is fluid on the smart Visa non-void does this I enter in a spine that month Yama I saw her I seen them to find a thousand one concern was was he cracked yet doesn't mean the question.
00:28:21: I need to hear a hint of Enoch interest and listen to that section 16,
00:28:36: S9 Focus XTL adding skiner linear function arms on an M4 in project in our by 2014 void between his own coach and mentor.
00:28:46: - Dusty of the Praxis common for the practice green curtain and officer ma'am I'll be here to endorse Pillow Biter game con.
00:28:53: Seen in TV who should stand for several colleagues at my model you can also Mark enormous mentor and Coach decent and in bitter bitter and he's eaten the work will be seen between of not random so she informed soon.
00:29:05: Zai Jian that's it has persevered yeah so that's it for the art security out while be a spoon.
00:29:15: Thus we don't know who you ate my sock and corporate identity her young man is no decent could you know where we have a great place to work simply keep Rising on demand a concussion.
00:29:26: Um yeah it's lets us share this estimate Target mom who would switch to Mumbai and is believed to society under name and hessen.
00:29:33: Linda it Porsche bundeswehr of puts food on honey it is a vietnam-era strike synthesis here.
00:29:39: Not my best friend invercargill spout not to let secession Barn to India chronically second motivated enough for person into media celebrity tecum.
00:29:49: Zakia no I'm vaccine although what does that say take this right meow me.
00:29:58: - move - on the Serbian Orthodox Muslims 1414 have yharnam a wounded arm exactly tolerance it's why not let it simmer.
00:30:07: First I have to watch her when it's cool and institutional conveyor and reflection didactic it's the motion detector
00:30:13: wouldn't you making sure enough back some violence to Our Success is keep my filter tool and then break the ticket Alice young himself he put in the island.
00:30:23: That was a team keep the South Shores and Finn human meat of I don't have it in a few martinis me next to the motor cortex.
00:30:31: The failure of everyone that you meet up by the wild which Black Stone gives off sale tile
00:30:37: wouldn't find photography mere novice in the human colleague
00:30:43: how's it going to show you my new declining project later scrum Master Kabuto loaded given Oklahoma Horizon in project and symptom treatment human clean Vox to mumble Christian Perspective and for other and some eaten
00:30:57: see if I turn to in Victorian and oils combined Suboxone.
00:31:03: M for which we had the same exact the Sedona we have tries it's about I hoped it to someone else that elected good no good no become does.
00:31:13: This politics which we can combine whoosh wind recorded MIT Dem Professor dr. Marcus Force other side say Picanto informatic professor and tortured until he firmly tightened.
00:31:25: He'll always give up on standard Vietnamese week was our Enterprise I do save a cantata in a Foley zhongshan Sri Lanka and the hook
00:31:32: the darmstadtium also contacted to a teetotum start hunting winter Porsches that's so extreme giving isn't in a let's neon thus he stand out and show them,
00:31:43: I need and shading for dinner by its marked.
00:31:48: Hmm my colleague amaku cervical cells of aluminum they are held Foley's organized Professor or Starbucks has a house in step out and a box of course the software system and.
00:32:02: Read it all in the 40s up to Olympics has on this is the spot interested in uncombed and Sapphira students.
00:32:09: ABM system but ones shown as the extra and without software trainee bones so I'd hug you but for me it's all about.
00:32:17: Eventually two of the glider to which is competent to clean a master thesis on a particular cases were gliding
00:32:24: not even absolutes are bad but I didn't love myself by 1:30 a.m. EST and David Kiba and saw him talking to Sid unqualified staff engineer bones and fun Kenzie on transpire but six have ever had.
00:32:37: Yes fund that's 90 by Young
00:32:40: as Ophelia and Liquors from again until Sunday and super everything is Tema was securely we think that the needs of for us we were able to actually see,
00:32:52: vagina feel a fight and waxen but I'm noodle Bombay cotton does yeah good nose clean cake
00:33:03: Title VII a number of the Santoni mousekeball testing whether that's exam hiders.
00:33:08: You know we install gleep his limbs feel for our standard yellow miles attended side which first came out yeah English tip me off his mask and Matt spent I had a scooter.
00:33:16: Thank you I mean y'all McMahon most it's done Shake dance can I deny it and post at coconuts IDE and then Muhammad I can't imagine also undertaken an episode of,
00:33:27: I feel like that's about cool not sites I podcasts telefonica audio production via Products Incorporated podcasts for Iran tournament
00:33:37: then I'll see and podcast start Martin positions on the website vvv - Nikita de via buttons again.
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